Following Black Friday, today is deemed Small Business Saturday. And so, today, the world is given the opportunity to support small businesses. Celebrating and understanding different models of success has been a common theme for me as I build my own business. Is a small business less legitimate because it's small? What should be rewarded by society and competitions? Only the businesses that get big, and get big, fast? My answer is no. I believe that all models of success should be celebrated. Sustainability, work-life balance and moving from small to mid-size are great things to strive for as a small business owner.
A dictionary definition of success says (among many other things), that success is...
: the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame
: the correct or desired result of an attempt
: someone or something that is successful : a person or thing that succeeds
What does success mean to you? What does it look like to you?
After many months of talking to small business owners- from fitness health business owner Christie, to lawyer Elyse, to event management company, Agouti...I finally reached out to some friends and colleagues to ask them this specific question. These are mostly women who work in a variety of jobs- some of them full time moms, some of them working full-time, some of them single and working full time, and some of them still in school.
What is success to me? This is a question that challenges me because I always aspire to more, and comforts me because I am allowed to define what is important to me. I don't believe there is or should be one definition of success. I am only beginning to learn what makes different people feel passionate, and motivated...and I love that this is different for everyone.
What is success to you? Which answer resonates with you most?
✅ check all the goals that apply for your company to get started!