What is a Schmoozer?

August 4, 2020
January 23, 2017

Have you ever gone to a party and notice a person there who just seems to *sparkle*? They’re the social butterfly that flutters around the room, speaking to everyone. After just a few minutes of small talk, they begin to sound like they’re everyone’s new friend. Once you’re in a conversation with them, it’s difficult to walk away, and it seems like more people will just naturally group around and join in.

The person that is bringing people together?

That person is a schmoozer.

You may have heard the word schmooz or schmooze before, but what you may not know is that it tends to get mixed reactions. Some people think the connotation of schmoozing is negative, but we feel quite the opposite. Defined by some as chat for the purposes of self-promotion, we at Schmooz Media think it’s more about making social connections with friendly non-aggressive chit chat.

In our world, Schmoozing is meeting new people and building new relationships, both personally and professionally. It’s socializing with a professional edge. It’s networking with style. It's actually fun!

To be a Schmoozer, you have to be ready to talk and share. Start with something you’re good at, and find a common ground with the person you’re speaking with. Schmoozing can happen at any time, not just at parties or networking events. Some of the best professional contacts are made in the most unsuspecting places; on a commute to work, at a restaurant with fellow diners or even in line at the grocery store.

Schmoozing is opportunity enveloped in relationships. It’s not about what other people can do for you, but rather creating mutually beneficial relationships with those around you.

A stranger is only a stranger until you make them a friend.

Once that happens, then you have another person in your corner rooting for your success, just as you will begin rooting for theirs.

Schmoozing opens door with chit chat and builds relationships from small talk.  You never know what can happen when you start a conversation. Yes- it can really be that organic!

As a social selling and media company, we couldn’t think of a better namesake for our business!

get schmoozing

At Schmooz Media, we understand that customers are your best brand ambassadors. That’s why we’re excited to create custom social media marketing strategies for small businesses, and take advantage of what their customers are already saying on social media. Schmooz Media is a Full Service Social Media Marketing Business, helping small-mid size businesses get the most social ROI possible. We’re passionate about giving your business actionable, measurable and meaningful results. Learn more about what Schmooz can do for you, or contact us with your inquiries today.

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