As the Founder and Chief Executive Schmoozer of Schmooz Media, I am delighted to announce that Schmooz Media is opening our first (non-home) office! Our new location is on Yonge Street, between York Mills and Lawrence. With our first day of office operations on Monday July 4th, we are thrilled to hold our first company meeting away from our homes and local coffee shops. We also cannot wait to invite clients, friends and family to celebrate and enjoy the new space with us.
Behind the scenes, we have been planning this exciting transition. I’ve been shopping for space, we’ve been talking about growth, hiring, investing in Customer Relationship Management tools and researching new printer/scanners (to sign and send more contracts!)
Behind the computer screen, in my home office, I have slowly been telling people my news: testing the waters, seeing how I feel saying it out loud to a client… or how hesitant I am to type the idea of opening a space and then actually pressing send.
Now the News is Real and I Want to Shout it From the Rooftops!
Telling people the news that Schmooz is opening its first office is beyond exciting. Like the ideas for books I have yet to write, having a physical space that reflects a dream in my head, now coming to life, and makes me feel overjoyed. It’s a true testament to the strength of my team, the need for small business social media marketing and the fact that growing slow and steady works. I am so proud of all that Schmooz has achieved since July 2014, and cannot wait to see what comes next. While it’s not something I’m great at doing, I think it’s a time to stop and celebrate.
Remote Team Magic!
Opening an office for Schmooz is a departure from the many wonderful merits of a home-run business, but it offers its own benefits. Ease of collaboration with the Schmooz team, opportunities for growth and of course, new ideas and better systems (always improving!) for our clients. I’m confident that this is an amazing opportunity.
That being said, I am not walking away from my original vision. I will not require the Schmooz Team to come into the office from 9–5 every day, but rather on a rotating and semi-flexible schedule. Schmooz Freelancers can drop by for a work session or a team meeting. At the moment, this is the model that works for us, and I’m excited to continue rolling with the punches as Schmooz Media develops and grows.
So What Now?
First of all, I’m human and I’m nervous. While I have completed many a home renovation and gone through packing up and moving before, I have never organized an office. I feel as though I am starting from scratch. Schmooz has been around for two years, and yet, there continues to be so much new to experience and explore.
Step 1: Painting (and pizza) party!
Step 2: Figure out where the furniture goes!
Step 3: Hook up the WIFI, PRINTER and LAY OUT our Brochures!
Step 4: Pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming!
Step 5: ENJOY and welcome everyone to come visit!
Finally, I get to say a BIG THANKS to my amazing team, family and friends who have supported my dreams.
I can’t wait to continue Schmoozing with you!
Schmooz Media is a Full Service Social Media Marketing Business, helping small-mid size businesses get the most social ROI possible. We’re passionate about giving your business actionable, measurable and meaningful results. Learn more about what Schmooz can do for you, or contact us with your inquiries today.
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