Thinking Out Loud: Pinterest for Business

August 4, 2020
November 10, 2014

Generally speaking, I am a big fan of Pinterest. As long as I don't frequently analyze how many things I pin "to do" or "to make" on Pinterest in comparison to what the pictures of my real life look like, I feel great about my Pinterest Account.

When I'm feeling like an inspired chef, I pin delicious recipes that I have every intention of making at some point in my life. When I'm feeling like an interior designer, I pin gorgeous rooms that I aspire to creating in real life. When I feel connected to someone or something, I often pin a beautiful graphic with an inspiration quote on it.

In what is, I believe, sheer brilliance, Pinterest plays to people's emotions. I strangely feel better about myself and my interests after a good "pin" session. I feel like I have asserted my interests to the world through my boards. If someone were to look me up, I would not be upset about them finding my pinterest board. In fact, I would be quite proud. Puppies, Jane Austen, Home Renovations, Great Communication Ideas....these things are all part of my daily thoughts. And then, there are my private boards - my wedding planning, my business ideas, my secret dreams. I love these boards, and I love that they are private.


Don't get me wrong- this is not a plug for Pinterest, although it certainly feels that way. Rather, I see this blog as an appreciation for and a criticism of Pinterest, and social media in general. How dare Pinterest play a role in asserting my personality and interests? How brilliant Pinterest is to be there for me when I don't want to buy a magazine, but want to learn all about complementary colours to the red brick living room wall that I dream of.

It is this pride that I feel for my own Pinterest wall, one which could be more full, more exciting, that led me to write this blog. Seeing my friends, all who have unique and different interests in this space, makes me feel inspired. Here's the question though - Can this space for interest sharing be useful to businesses? To make a Pinterest page for a business gives a brand an opportunity to have a voice, to have interests that connect with their ideal audience. At Schmooz, we help create Pinterest pages for companies, thinking about their target audience, company values, goals and being genuine. Pinterest is not for every person or for every company, and as usual, I urge you to think about strategic and purposeful use of social media.

If you have the chance, go onto Pinterest and type in: Skittles. See what the Skittles fan base, the people who relate to, use, or enjoy Skittles do for the brand through their Pinterest account. It's fascinating.

What do you use your Pinterest for? What do you think about businesses with Pinterest accounts?


Thanks for thinking about Pinterest with me, Schmoozers! Until Next Time.

-Zoe Share, Chief Executive Schmoozer

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