Social Media is Here, But Have No Fear!

August 4, 2020
August 24, 2015

By: Shelley Sefton, Executive Assistant

In today’s world, if you want your business to be successful, you often have to play by the rules of today’s generation. As a woman in her forties, who did not grow up with the Internet and Social Media, I made the decision to go back to work in a world that has transformed with the addition of massive technological advancements. Fortunately for me, I have three kids that are growing up with this technology and are confident in their ability to navigate around it. With much patience, they have been a part of teaching me feel comfortable with Social Media. It hasn’t been an easy route, but I can honestly say it is well worth it.

I am now much more confident in my ability to navigate my way around Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and many other Social Media Platforms. It is intimidating to know that the younger generation knows how to do so much on the computer with ease, and virtually stress-free, because that is the environment they have been born into. That being said, there is nothing more satisfying than taking the time to become technologically savvy yourself and feeling included within this new generation.


You’re a small-mid size business owner, or you’re trying to make a name for yourself? Why do you need social media? Well, today most people spend a good part of their day staring at a screen, whether it is a computer, tablet or phone. If you want to reach people, your current and potential customers specifically, you need to understand the many benefits social media can bring to your business. You can get a better sense for what people want and need, you can also become more aware of their thoughts and opinions.

I have learned not only that Social Media gives your business exposure, but also gives others the opportunity to provide positive or negative feedback. Sound scary? Yes, but is it better to keep your head in the sand and pretend that everything is good? I believe it is preferable to provide a platform for people to voice their concerns and opinions. Clients or customers are going to voice their opinions anyways, and I would rather know about it and be able to do something about it? If a business is able to find out why their customers are unhappy, it gives them the opportunity to regain a customer’s confidence in them, by making improvements. Also, in Social Media advertising, you can actually target a specific audience and get their attention, by blogging about your company and all the reasons someone should hire them.

Not knowing is not better! People fear new technology and giving up what they are comfortable with in exchange for the unknown. I understand this, but I also understand that once you make the decision to educate yourself in social media, half the battle is won. The next half is deciding how to do it. Working in a Social Media Marketing company like Schmooz, we offer two very good options. Hiring someone to teach you and/or train your staff is a great way to become comfortable with the various social media sites. The other option is to hire a Social Media or Content Marketing firm, like Schmooz, to strategically plan, create, manage and report on your Social Media for you. Time is a factor that may affect which option you decide upon. If you are not able to devote the needed time to communicate with those that are reaching out and continuously engage your customers, it is best to work with a social media company that can monitor your sites and keep you informed of what the customers are saying. Just as you want to know what they are thinking (good or bad), they want to know that you are listening.

beautiful future

It is amazing to see how many benefits there are to social media…but more about that later! Take the time to become more comfortable, and in turn your confidence will soar. There are countless benefits. Your kids will be impressed, you will be a good role model for your employees and this will help bring your business to a new level. Just remember, when deciding on your businesses’ social media strategy, keep in mind it is very important to select the right platforms or mediums, where you are most likely to reach your potential customers.

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