Side projects: how following your passion will lead to success

August 4, 2020
May 4, 2016

What you do outside of work, whether it’s perfecting a gluten-free baking recipe or writing the next great novel, should help you explore your passion.

We recently interviewed Chris Snoyer, who is an advocate for diving head first into side projects. “Your side projects should contribute to your larger goals, be it directly or indirectly,” said Snoyer.

And we couldn’t agree more. If you’re goal-oriented, your passion project can motivate you to find success in your professional life. Or, your passion can strike a balance between your work life and your life life, and lead to an exciting combination of the two.

-The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.-

Many of our clients at Schmooz have done just that! With a little bit of entrepreneurial finesse, they’ve turned their passion project into a business and found the true meaning of success. And we Schmoozers are eager to help build and maintain their small businesses, because that’s what we’re passionate about-- making your ideas thrive!

If you’re looking to find that sweet spot where your work is what you love, and what you love is your work, start by asking yourself a simple question: what do I love to do? We encourage you to find out what it is. The answer might help inform your next side project or business venture, and we’d love to help you get it off the ground!

Schmooz Media is a Full Service Social Media Marketing Business, helping small-mid size businesses get the most social ROI possible. We’re passionate about giving your business actionable, measurable and meaningful results. Learn more about what Schmooz can do for you, or contact us with your inquiries today.

Lauren Raham is a Marketing Assistant and the newest member of the Schmooz team.

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