Manage Stress Like a Pro: Schmoozers Share their Top Five Tips

August 4, 2020
April 11, 2016

Managing several tasks at once is a skill that everyone has the opportunity to fine-tune. Whether it’s tackling a long list of household chores or handling multiple deadlines at work, the best approach is to meet these challenges with a clear and focused frame of mind.

But how do you maintain your cool when dealing with the inevitable stress that comes with feeling overwhelmed? Here are some helpful tips that Schmoozers use to stay sane when the workload is anything but.

Schmooz graphic Heidi Klum

1. Prioritize
What item on your list has the most urgent deadline and what can wait until later in the day? Take a look at everything that needs to be done and assess the importance of each item, as well as the consequences of it not being finished on time. When we’re overwhelmed with a long list of things to do, it’s easy to freeze up and get nothing done. Prioritizing your work is the first step to managing competing deadlines. And once you dive in, you’ll build the momentum you need to keep going.

2. Keep it timely
The most important part of managing your time well is accounting for the time you use. Carve out time in to complete tasks and stick to that timeline. Should finishing this report take you more than 2 hours? Will editing that blog post take 30 minutes of your time? I like to go back and forth between tasks that require my full attention for one hour, and short 5 minute tasks to keep me engaged. Try to stick to the time you’ve allotted for yourself and plan your schedule accordingly. Most importantly, make those time allotments reasonable. You’re human!

3. Take time to relax… every day
Studies have shown that meditation relieves anxiety and increases focus, leaving us all to approach the day ahead with clarity. Take time out of every day to relax with a good book, go for a walk or take a much-needed five-minute nap (with alarm set!) A good sushi lunch and a walk with my dog does wonders for me! We also recommend taking a vacation every once in awhile. Your brain functions better when you distance yourself from the stress and recharge your batteries. So take time for yourself!

Schmooz David Brooks

4. Eat healthy
What you eat has the biggest impact on your ability to stay focused and manage stress. The best way to do this is by keeping it simple. Eat real, unpackaged foods and stay away from processed snacks. Think about how you feel after you’ve eaten. Do you feel energized? Exhausted? Stick with foods that don’t zap your energy. Limiting your caffeine to one or two cups of tea or coffee each day will also go a long way in helping you meet life’s challenges by allowing you get a better night’s sleep! This is not to say that I’m not a fan of 2 or 3 jumbo sour keys and a cup of coffee when life demands it, but being kind to my body goes a long way.

5. Keep it in perspective
It’s important to see the forest for the trees, as they say, and recognize the bigger picture. Sometimes, you just can’t do it all. (A horrible truth!) Balance is key. Take a deep breath and reflect on what you’ve already accomplished. When we’re overwhelmed by the little details, we lost sight of what’s truly important: enjoying the work you do and being accountable to your goals.

Schmooz Media is a Full Service Social Media Marketing Business, helping small-mid size businesses get the most social ROI possible. We’re passionate about giving your business actionable, measurable and meaningful results. Learn more about what Schmooz can do for you, or contact us with your inquiries today.

Lauren Raham is a Marketing Assistant and the newest member of the Schmooz team.

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