Getting Real about Being an Entrepreneur

August 4, 2020
October 24, 2017

I’ve told this story many times before, but here I go again. The first day of my Master’s of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology, a professor asked the question, “Who in this room is an entrepreneur?” In the room of 35 or so people, I was the only one who didn’t raise a hand. Over three years later, this story makes people chuckle, because I suppose in many ways, I am now “an entrepreneur.” My company has an office on Yonge Street, an amazing team and we are a small, mighty and thriving young business.

What I’ve learned is that being an entrepreneur or a founder isn’t about putting a label on yourself, it’s about getting up and working hard on your business.

It must be great to make your own schedule!

While I may get to make my own schedule, as theboss there is a long list of responsibilities and pull back to my business that make me accountable.

It isn’t easier to be an employee for someone else and it isn’t easier to be your own boss. They are two separate and different things and are both wonderful and challenging in their own right.

You get to do all the things you like the most!

Creating amazing content, interacting with others on social media and seeing our clients get results is definitely a huge part of the joy of running your own business (it’s a pretty cool job!) However, there are a lot of other hats I have to wear outside of the “doing the great work” job of Schmooz Media. Did I dream of doing invoicing, corporate taxes and accounting when I was taking a Jane Austen literature course in University? Not so much.

Doing the things I don’t like allow me to do the things I love! It’s not perfect though, and it’s certainly not always fun!

Wishing all my readers the opportunity to find work that is both challenging and rewarding. For some that may mean finding the ideal job position, whereas for others that might mean taking the leap into entrepreneurship!

Schmooz Media is a Full Service Social Media Marketing Business, helping small-mid size businesses get the most social ROI possible. We’re passionate about giving your business actionable, measurable and meaningful results. Learn more about what Schmooz can do for you, or contact us with your inquiries today.

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