Five things busy business owners might forget

August 4, 2020
September 28, 2016

1. Those lists you made when you started your business: don’t just use them once!

At the beginning of starting your business, you used a list like this to get started. You were excited about checking all the checkboxes and starting off on the right foot. Every business starts with a solid business plan. It’s important to review and update that plan regularly.

Here’s what I learned in business school, and then in the real world of running a business: You cannot plan once and then forget about your business. As you grow, things will change. You must stick to your vision, but you need to keep fresh to respond as you learn. Get a whiteboard in your office and write out your list every Monday morning. You’ll see what stays constant and what changes as you go.

2. Set priorities about work-life balance


Speaking of lists, a daily to-do list is absolutely critical if you want to maintain a life while running your business. The 1-3-5 method helps you prioritize your tasks so you don’t lose track of what’s important. Choose one big thing every day and make that your priority. A lot of times, the little stuff can wait. Make sure you include little things for yourself that help you recharge. Self care is absolutely necessary for small business owners. When you wear so many hats, remember to take your hat off once in awhile.

There are all sorts of people who have all sorts of goals. Women, men, young, old - it doesn’t matter - we cannot pin one person to one goal. Pick a goal for today (or this week) and focus on doing awesome at that one thing. The rest will come.

3. Know when it’s time to get help

Leaders delegate. Often as a small business owner you’ll find yourself responsible for a ton of things you never expected. And sometimes these aren’t things that interest you. That’s when it’s time to be a boss and hire the right person. Even if Warren Buffet only spends $18 on a haircut, he isn’t going to cut it himself. Everyone needs a barber.

Maybe you’re not sure exactly how social media really works. We can teach you, or you can hire us to help you manage your social media accounts so you can focus on making your business the best it can be.

4. Stick to your vision

When you started your company, you had a dream. It was a vision of what you can bring into the world, and of course make a living. You’re following your passion. This is your company’s vision. It’s why being an entrepreneur is your dream job. It’s the reason you started working for yourself in the first place.

It’s important to remember why you got started, especially as things change and grow. Your business will need to grow and adapt, but the best companies always stay true to themselves.

5. Great businesses reinvent themselves all the time

Steve Jobs presents the Apple iPad

Adaptability is one of the most important characteristics of any successful business. To be self-critical, to listen to your customers, and to find your niche, you’ll need to be open to new ideas. In 1996, Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy because they had been sticking to a strategy of making software for other computer companies. When Steve Jobs returned, Apple reinvented itself and took charge of every step of the process. Now the iPhone and MacBook are everywhere, and its loyal customers rave about the consistent Apple experience.

Don’t be afraid to reinvent your business. Updating your brand or strategy are signs of strength. Be open to new ideas and react to the ever-changing landscape.

Sometimes we all get caught in the day to day operations, but it’s important not to forget who you are and why you’re doing what you do. At Schmooz Media, we understand that customers are your best brand ambassadors. That’s why we’re excited to create custom social media marketing strategies for small businesses, and take advantage of what their customers are already saying on social media. Schmooz Media is a Full Service Social Media Marketing Business, helping small-mid size businesses get the most social ROI possible. We’re passionate about giving your business actionable, measurable and meaningful results. Learn more about what Schmooz can do for you, or contact us with your inquiries today.

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