It is important to understand what a client’s business goals are. To assume that everyone wants their business to grow is simply that—an assumption. You might wonder what type of company does not want to grow; Isn’t the point of hiring a company like Schmooz and improving your community engagement to grow a business and potential clients? While new business generation and growth is important to most businesses, it is important to understand what this means and create specific and measurable goals. Make goals that won't lead to your business toppling over, like one false move in Jenga. Build sound and strategic businesses and grow with purpose.
Using our own clients as examples, Schmooz has a range of different goals to reach and meet. Some clients are interested and focused on increasing their current customer base, either having repeating customers or one time customers. These businesses want to grow, they have done the financial projections and are able to increase their overhead, employee salaries, etc and they are looking for new challenges. This company might look like a start-up with a second round of funding and a viable product that is selling; while there are people using their product consistently, this company will not succeed unless it continues to grow because it’s revenue model hinges on the size of the customer base. Another example of a company that fits this description could be a coffee shop that wants to open a second and third location in a neighbourhood that is ready and interested; ideally this company can output the expenses to open a new location if they feel they have reached the community and can sell enough.
Other companies want to maintain their current level of business. They might need to expand their reach and build relationships using social media marketing, but they do not want or need to grow the amount of customers they have overall. To help make this more real, let me give some examples. A daycare centre has a rented space that has capacity for 40 children and 10 staff. Every year, 20 children return to the daycare, but the daycare needs to reach 20 new families to keep the centre full. They do not want to have a second location, but they need to have new “customers” to keep their business healthy.
Turnover is natural in most businesses; even if a customer is a customer for life, this is usually not a constant across the board. Whether you want to grow your business or maintain your current level, most businesses always need to keep reaching new people. Our understanding of a client and their business goals allows Schmooz to deliver the right and best service.
What are your business goals? How do you define growth?
✅ check all the goals that apply for your company to get started!