As a Professional Musician and Entertainer, I have created a successful small business around myself- but it wasn’t always this way. Many young people struggle coming out of post-secondary, and finding their way in the professional world can seem like an insurmountable task. Whether you are an artist, an entrepreneur, or just someone with a great idea, thinking about these next 5 steps will surely set you on the right track. Putting thought into how you want to start your professional career, and then turning this thought into action, can help you realize how your business will work, and exactly what you want to accomplish:
Think about what you are passionate about, and what makes you happy. This may sound like a no-brainer, but it really is the most important step. You may already know exactly what you want your business to be, but thinking about what you love and what you are passionate about will make the work of running your business more fulfilling, satisfying, and just plain fun. For me, it was music, and I know that for the founder of Schmooz, Zoe, it was communications.
Think about how you can package or sell your passion. Whatever your product or service, somewhere along the line someone will have to make a choice to purchase or use it. If you are an artist such as a designer or a musician, you are selling a service. If you are a more traditional entrepreneur, this may be a new and exciting product. Putting thought into how you can present your idea to the public will give you the edge on the competition.
Who might want or need your product or service? Now that you have an understanding of what kind of service, product, or idea you are selling, think about who you are going to target through any advertising you may do. This includes what kind of language you may use in social media posts, and even how your idea is branded. What kind of people/demographic might use your service? Some simple research in this area will pay off in dividends.
Setup your professional infrastructure and social media. Professional infrastructure can be as simple as printing up some business cards, promotional flyers, or a simple easy-to-navigate website. The first steps into the world of social media might include a Facebook page, Twitter account, or Instagram. These are easy and quick to setup, and with a little personalization and creativity, can really help your business rise above the rest.
Value your time. Maybe the most important part about becoming a professional is the idea about valuing your time. There is truth to the adage ‘time is money’. Many new small businesses make the simple mistake of undervaluing their time, and in turn undervaluing their product or service. If you take the time to figure out how much you are going to charge for your time, you may be surprised to see that your customers respect how you value your idea.
As a small-medium sized business, you will face new challenges daily, but these challenges can easily be turned into unique opportunities. These 5 steps are the beginning of the journey that new entrepreneurs and small business owners are starting every day. With some focus, initiative, and lots of hard work, putting thought into these 5 steps can help you realize the potential of your idea, and what you can accomplish. The world is yours for the taking, and rising above the noise is the first step on your own journey.
Ross Burant is a music and entertainment professional from Toronto, Ontario. He is also the newest member of the Schmooz Media Team. Want to hear more from Ross? Let us know in the comments below!
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