Odeyemi networking, at Communitech, during start-up weekend in September 2013
Zoe Share (ZS): We met in business school, and have worked together a lot. I'm interested to know - why do you think people find networking so challenging?
Odeyemi Adaran (OA): In life, I have found that there are three types of people: Introverts, Extroverts and a combination of the two. I believe that I happen to fall in the third category. I, like many others, have struggled with networking in the past. The large crowds and the groups of overly driven and eager people seemed to raise my anxiety. I hated feeling like people were inauthentic at networking events, and have made it my mission to never be "that guy" who has to change who he is in order to fit in. My hypothesis is that there are many people like me that share the same sentiments as me about networking.
ZS: And what are those sentiments? What do you think everyone is thinking, including you, at networking events?
OA: I often wonder, “How do I stand out from the crowd while still keeping it real?” It is that question that I believe runs through everyone’s minds when at networking events. I think this is why, in my opinion, that so many people feel uncomfortable.
ZS: You’re right, I don’t want to seem like I’m trying to sell myself, but I want to stand out too. It can be uncomfortable if you don’t feel prepared. So if networking makes so many people uncomfortable, then why should you even bother?
OA: If done right, networking can have endless possibilities. I attribute networking as part of the reason I am where I am today. A genuine network can get you a job you otherwise would not have been considered for, a mentor that opens your mind to think about business problems from a perspective that you never would have thought of prior; it can open doors that would have otherwise kept you out. Networking is often the backbone to business success. I don't think there is a successful person out there that can’t in some way attribute their success to their network.
ZS: You said that you attribute some of your success to networking yourself. What is your best experience with networking?
OA: Personally, the best networking experiences I've had started in social scenarios where networking was not the primary focus. I feel that being able to bond at a social and more personal level is the best way to form true long lasting relationships. Think of it this way: if you were in a position to help someone, would you rather help someone that you’ve shared fond memories of in a social scenario or someone that you met at a formal networking event that was looking for something from you. This is the ideal scenario for me- building genuine relationships.
ZS: But what if someone doesn’t know where to start? What if a formal networking event is their best chance to make connections? Should they still do it?
OA: There are times when meeting someone in a formal networking event is the only option you have. In those cases, be sure to be true to yourself. If there is a social component after the event, be sure to go for it. Try to bond on a social level, and let the person you have met get to know you beyond your resume.
ZS: Meeting new people and making connections surrounding common interests has been very important to me in both my personal and professional life, so I completely agree about speaking to topics beyond your resume when meeting someone new. So does “being yourself” mean you shouldn’t prepare before a networking event or an outing where you think you might meet someone important?
OA: No! Do your research ahead of the time on who you want to meet, prepare key questions ahead of time and be yourself. Also, business cards should not be traded like Pokémon cards. The purpose of business cards is to keep in touch with an individual that you have a genuine interest in getting to know or have a purpose to serve. Please do not trade business cards with everyone that you meet. I make it a point to only trade business cards when I feel that we can both add mutual value to each other or have a genuine interest in knowing the person more.
ZS: You seem very passionate about business cards.
O: I’ll tell you this: there is no point giving your business card to someone that doesn't see you providing any value to them. We are all guilty with just throwing those business cards in the garbage at the end of networking events. It is only with the people that demonstrated genuine passion, aligned with my interests and values, and actually seemed interested in me, that I have stayed in contact with.
Z: Any final words of advice?
O: If you get someone’s business card, actually use it. Contact them, have additional conversations and foster a real relationship.
Odeyemi Adaran is a graduate of the Masters of Business Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) program from the University of Waterloo and shares a strong passion for supporting the Waterloo Tech scene. He has great experience working for companies like BlackBerry and Desire2Learn in project management, but has recently switched career paths to focus on sales and marketing. He recently joined Axonify as an Opportunity Development Representative where he is a key part of the front end of their sales process. In his spare time he has also been developing Jük, a mobile app that is focused on delivering an interactive crowd controlled playlist for any social scenario.
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